
"As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness,
you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you"

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cricut Tips & Tricks! {AweSoMe!}

If you own a Cricut...or if you are thinking about purchasing one...check out this AWESOME info that I came across @ Imperfectly Beautiful!! Amanda has some FaBuLouS money saving tips and tricks like:

How to make your cutting mat {sticky} again....

and...another option on where you can buy vinyl... you can save a little {moolah} when it comes to fonts!! {Thanks to an awesome reader tip...I recently bought this...and LOVE IT!!}

Sooo...go check it out HERE!!

Amanda...thanks so much for sharing these FaBuLouS tips!!


  1. I have that same Font cutting program and love it!!!!


  2. I just bought a cricut and I am loving all these tips! Thanks for sharing!

  3. thankyouthankyouthankyou for posting this!!!! I got a cricut for christmas, and I wore all the sticky off the mat the first night that I used it!

    and those durned cartridges are EXPENSIVE. I downloaded the trial version of the cutting program, and I just need to convince the husband to buy it for me after the next paycheck. He raised his eyebrows at the price, BUT thats the same price as some of the cartridges!!

    1. Where can I go to check that out? I got my cricut just before Christmas.I have the expression 2.

  4. i can not wait to go and read this i am new to the cricut world and need all the help I can get

  5. I also just recently got the cutting program and LOVE IT! Wish I had more time to play on it :) Heading over now to get her tips on re-"stickifying" mats... thanks for sharing!

  6. sad to say you can no longer use SCAL with any cricut machines. Before I purchased my Cricut I contacted the folks at SCAL and they told me they are no longer selling the program for Cricut due to a lawsuit won by Cricut.

  7. Is your background suppose to be like this seems very hard to read or is it my computer?


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