Tuesday, March 16, 2010

{FuN} Fabric Rosette Rings!

I absolutely LoVe the way all of the fabric flowers and rosettes look! There are a TON floating around on the net...so I decided to give it a try and make some rings for me and my girls!

I don't have a pic of how I made the rosettes...but it was SuPer Easy! I just took a strip of scrap fabric that I ripped...twisted it (loosely) all the way down...then rolled it up like I was making a snail. Then tucked the end under...and hot glued it on a wooden disk. (the same disks I used here.) Then...I put a little extra glue on the edge of the wooden disk...and pushed the fabric over it so that you wouldn't see the wood.

Then for the band...I just used some elastic that I already had...and hand sewed to the size to fit our fingers. {I'm not sure if they have different colors in elastic...but I almost cut one of my daughters hair headbands so that i could have a brown band.}

Then hot glued it on the wooden disk...

And there you have it!

So FuN... EaSy...

And CuTe!!


  1. That is very similar to my braided ribbon flower. They are so fun to accessorize with! ;)

    seven thirty three - - - a creative blog

  2. So Stinkin Cute! Absolutely Love It! I have to try it!

  3. Will definitely be trying this.....Adorable!!

  4. Those are so funky - love them! I have lots and lots of fabric scraps to use up :)

  5. Very very cute. I love that. I will have to try it!


  6. Thank you so much for the non-tutorial of the rolled rosettes! I know that sounds goofy, but I have been on a mad hunt for a tutorial of how to make them for the last two months because I had convinced myself that it couldn't be easy. Your post just helped me give myself permission to just try to roll it together and it's perfect! Thank you!

  7. I love these! So cute, and I have tons of elastic, what an inexpensive and beautiful project!

  8. What a great idea! I am going to try this as soon as I get home today! I'm also going to link to this tute as well.

  9. Such a cute idea. I posted about it in my Friday Favorites today.


  10. I have to feature these adorable rings!

  11. Oh these are so cute. Found you on Tatertots and Jello. TFS.

  12. I LOVE these rings! I'm going to make some for a gift today! Thanks for sharing. I made some for the collar on my daughters' semi-formal, you can see it on my blog! They are fun to make.

  13. These are so CUTE! I made a couple this morning and posted my photos on my blog and linked your blog in it!!


    Thanks for the tutorial!!

  14. I like the rosette idea! Did you get the elastic idea from Heather?

    Heather's button rings are way cute, and wasn't her elastic band idea brilliant?! You'll have to send your readers over to see hers too for a variety of ideas on button tops!! (Your other button rings are so cute too!) Fun stuff!

  15. LOVE your blog! I'm trying this ring this week!
