Wednesday, August 26, 2009

AdoRabLe old window project!!

From this:
To This!

How AdoRable is this!! Look what Hailey from I Love This and That made out of her old window!! What a FuN picture holder!! She saved the bottom window pane...and put her daughters name on it. Sooo CuTe! If you would like more info...and to see some of her other great HERE!!
Thanks for the FuN idea Hailey!


  1. So I was wondering if you worry at all about the paint on the old windows that you use?

    i got an old window and someone told me alot of old windows have lead paint on them and since they are usually chipping that this could be dangerous to hang in the house and breathe it in.

    Dang lead paint! Anyway, long story short I tested the paint on my old window and it was fine but you do so many cute projects with old windows i wondered what your take is on it.
    (I'll check back)

    BTW this is super cute!!!


  2. I was so SAD to not win your giveaway.....that I went out hunting for old windows just like these to make my own chicken wire frames. Oh my I love yours!!! THanks for so many ideas, now I just have to decided what to do with my 7 windows!!! :) And yes the paint comment has peaked my interest, I too would like your take on that. I love the look of the original paint but not if it's dangerous.

  3. Thanks, Stacie for posting my old window project! You've totally made my day!

    Also, regarding the old paint issue. I too was pretty worried about it, but I tried my best to scrap off all the old paint so it wouldn't be flaking all over the place and it doesn't seem like it is going to be a problem.

    I am glad to hear that Cherie (above) tested the paint and it was OK. That gives me reassurance that old windows are still good to decorate with. :)

    I would love to hear everyone else's opinion though. :)

  4. That is SOOO cute! I love it! We need to get right on this project!

  5. This is great!!

    thanks to you both for sharing it.
    barbara jean

  6. Adorable! I'll have to remember this for my daughter when she gets older.

  7. Where can I find several windows like this??! I want to make christmas presents for family!! :) i LOVE this its soo cute!!!

  8. Hey my name is Brielle. Is that adorable window for me? I got your blog link from Brown paper packages. I love your blog. I'll put a link on my blog for sure.
