Friday, August 21, 2009

AdoRaBle Children's Kitchen!

OK...I am absolutely in L*O*V*E with this!! Erin at Sutton Grace made this ADORABLE children's kitchen from a old entertainment center. HoW CrEaTiVe is that!! Since it seems like everyone is buying the flat panel TV's...I've seen a lot of these for sale on Craigslist. You can check out how she made this and more awesome projects HERE! HaVe FuN!!
Thanks for the great idea Erin!!


  1. Adorable kitchen...i love it..its a great idea...
    thanks for sharing ..

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  2. I saw this one too and LOVE it! So creative and I love how green it is!

  3. i've been dying to find a how to on making one of these for my little girl!! this is perfect! thanks so so so much for posting it!

  4. That's awesome.. What a great idea

  5. Isn't that so cute! I kicked myself when I saw it because we had an entertainment center forever that I hated and gave away and it would have made the CUTEST KITCHEN EVER!!
