Friday, January 7, 2011

Photography Friday!!


Camilla from CioCo here again! Hoping your new year went well! I know we have all been busy, so I'm leaving up the challenge from last week this week. NO ONE has linked up, so lets fix that! :) The challenge is 'New'. Any thing that speaks new to you, it can be literally anything! We're excited to see your creativity!

Here's mine again:
Maybe its because I have Baby on the mind, but new babies embody this 'New' for me. New opportunity, new life, new wonder. What is 'New' to you??

The link will be up the remainder of this week, so go take those pictures! If you don't have photoshop, is a great site! Its super helpful to everyone to be able to see everyone's work, as we start learning about more things then we will be able to help each other! Happy Shooting!

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