Friday, November 19, 2010

Photography Friday!!


Welcome to the FIRST installment of Photog Friday!!
My name is Camilla from CioCo Photography and I am oh-so-excited to be here at the Creative Crate with Stacie. I, along with Stacie will hopefully rock your socks off with some awesome photography posts, photography challenges, and fun photo shop makeover shares.
Next week you will get to know me and Stacie (as in the fabulous photographer Stacie, not just the amazingly crafty and cute one) but today we want to get to know you! So please take the following poll so we can know a little better where to aim the tutorials, lessons, etc. Please feel free to enter any additional comments you have at the end of this post.
Happy Photog Friday!


  1. I just got my first DSLR camera and I tried to read the manual, which was like greek. I want cute, professional looking pictures of my kids, so I don't have to pay the big bucks! HELP! and thanks in advance!!!

  2. I am so looking forward to Photog Friday!

  3. Question 3 doesn't give you the option of I know nothing of aperture or anything else!...that is pretty much me, why do I have a fairly decent camera?
