Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shopping Bag Chic!

Turn these...

into this ...

...or these!!
How CreaTiVe is that?!! I came across these FuN ideas @ In My Own Style where Diane turned regular old shopping bags into art...and also used a few for book covers! It definitely beats the ol' brown paper bags. :)

LoVe it!!

For more info on how she made these...go here!

Diane...thanks so much for sharing these FaBuLouS ideas!!


  1. Ohmygosh. That wall piece is really cute!

  2. Love it, very creative!

  3. Those are so cute-I wish I were that creative! Thanks for posting!

  4. That is to stinking cool! My college bound sisters save all their shopping bags and would love this!

  5. I LOVE the board with all the names of the stores. I want to do this to hang in my craft room. SUPER cute!

  6. Cute & clever! I finally put my last Dayton's bag to use, but since Dayton's (mother of Target & former Mpls department store giant) is no longer in business, you've got my wheels turning for the day my handy bag dies! Thanks!!!
