Monday, June 14, 2010

DIY Photo Art!

From these:
To these!

I came across this FuN photo art idea @ Kristin Duke Photography! First of all...Kristin does {amazing} work...secondly...what a FuN {inexpensive} way to display it! She spent a total of $21 on this project! I absolutely LOVE wall art especially when it involves photos of your kiddos...and here, she nailed it!!

Check out her complete how-to... HERE!

Kristin...thanks so much for sharing this FaBuLouS idea!


  1. Oh wow! These look great!!

  2. so happy you posted this....had been brainstorming to do this exact thing....idea from a different post of yours.

  3. Awww. Darling. I am working on a semi-similar project.
