Monday, June 28, 2010

The Two Savvy Sisters Giveaway WINNER!

First off...I need to apologize for my crazy absence. I have been having stinkin' technical difficulties...Uggg!!...and thanks to my hubby...he is letting me post this from his computer. :) Hopefully soon, we can get things back and rolling because I have some projects that I have been dying to share!! So...THank-YOU for hanging in there! :)
Sooo...on to the winner of the {Two Savvy Sisters}
Custom Frame Giveaway!
PJ and Annie!!

PJ and Annie said...
I'm following you!
ANd... a HUGE THanks to The Two Savvy Sisters for sponsoring this FUN giveaway!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

{CuTE} Summer Hair!

Here is a FuN Summer-y hair idea that I came across @
I tried this on my daughter...and it looked ADORABLE!
Go HERE... to check out her how-to video!
Becki...thanks so much for sharing this F*U*N idea!

Monday, June 21, 2010

{The Two Savvy Sisters} and a GIVEAWAY!!

The CrEaTiVe CraTe welcomes:

A place for all things Party and Crafty related.

We are happy to be able to share with you all the crafty things that we have been coming up with. We can do custom party designs by way of invitations, party favor tags, banners, thank you cards, cupcake toppers, and more!

Here is a small sample of the many FaBuLouS items and collections they have to offer:

Vintage Baseball Party Collection

Classic Ladybug Party Collection

Classic Train Party Collection

Its A Girl Banner

We now offer designs as DIY printable files and ready-made designs for those who don't have the time to tackle these projects on your own !

We are also happy to share with you crafty tutus, boutique frames, and custom word blocks!

Custom Initial Frame

Custom Frames

Tutu Collection

Word Block Collection

The Two Savvy Sisters also love hosting our new PARTY Like A Rockstar Wednesday PARTAY LINKUP!!!


Swing on by to share your Party Side every Wednesday. You can link up any parties, party decor, party printables, party paper items, party ideas, gift ideas, anything PARTY related!!
Meet us and subscribe to The Two Savvy Sisters BLOG for party, decorating & crafting ideas!
BECOME A FAN on facebook: {The Two Savvy Sisters}

The Two Savvy Sisters Etsy Shop-
Aren't these girls CrEaTiVe!!! I am really lovin' their party collections!! Too CuTe!!

Now for the GIVEAWAY!!

Thanks to The Two Savvy Sisters...they would like to share some of their crafty cuteness with one of giving away one of these AdORaBle custom frames: {your choice!}

Here's how to enter:

1. Visit and Follow The Two Savvy Sisters blog ...then come back and let me know you followed. {Please include e-mail address so I can contact you if you win!}

2. Visit The The Two Savvy Sisters Etsy shop...then come back and leave a comment telling us which item is your favorite.

3. Follow The Creative Crate...and if you follow already...just remind me! {You are AWESOME!! :) } can enter up to 3 times!!

{Please leave a separate comment for each entry.}

This giveaway will end Monday, June 28th @ 5 p.m.



FuN Felt Summer Projects!

Here are a couple of FuN felt projects that I came across @ Crafty Chic Mommy!
Perfect for those SuMMeRtiME dayz!!


Perfect for that car ride to Grandma and Grandpa's...


Tooo CuTe!!
How FuN would these be to make together with your kiddos or grandkids!?!
For more info on how Chic Momma made these ... go here and here!!

Chic Momma...thanks so much for sharing these FuN ideas!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Did you see these FaBuLouS Father's Day Ideas?!!!

Thank you so much to all of you who linked-up your Father's Day ideas!! They were all AWESOME!!
Here is a peek at some of your FaBuLouS links...
2x4 I love daddy sign @ Simply Home and Family

The unexpected gift..organize his shirts...polish his shoes...or leave FuN surprises in his pockets! Check it out @ Simply Home and Family

Tool Belt Pouch @ Craft Critters

Superman Capes @ Oopsey Daisy

Photo Collage Mouse Pad @ The Idea Attic

And...don't forget to check out the other FaBuLouS ideas HERE!!


Thursday, June 17, 2010

DIY Art Supply Shelf!

Check out this CooL organizing idea from Frugal Home Designs! What a FuN and Cute little coloring and creating area for the kiddos! LoVe the bucket idea! Although...I would have to take the scissors out of son recently played barbershop on my daughters hair. It could have been worse :)
For more info on this FuN idea...go HERE!
Fawn...thanks so much for sharing this FaBuLouS idea!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How about a FREE photo canvas for DaD or GrandPa!!

If you haven't ordered your FREE 8x10 canvas...head on over and do it!! It is sooo easy...and would make a GreaT Father's Day Gift!! You do have to pay for shipping...but believe is well worth it!! I LoVe how mine turned out!
Also...Don't forget to check out all of the FaBuLouS Fathers Day ideas here:


Thanks so much to all who have linked up so guys are awesome!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

DIY Photo Art!

From these:
To these!

I came across this FuN photo art idea @ Kristin Duke Photography! First of all...Kristin does {amazing} work...secondly...what a FuN {inexpensive} way to display it! She spent a total of $21 on this project! I absolutely LOVE wall art especially when it involves photos of your kiddos...and here, she nailed it!!

Check out her complete how-to... HERE!

Kristin...thanks so much for sharing this FaBuLouS idea!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

How about an APRON for DaD!!

Still in need of a FuN Father's Day idea??
How about a apron from

Here are a FEW that they have to offer:

Wouldn't these look great on your dad or hubby?!?!

AND GOING ON NOW...GET 10% off Grilling Aprons for Father's Day, code FATHERSDAY

For more aprons...and info...check out their website!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Long Stemmed Fabric Flowers!

Ok...those are BEAUTIFUL!! I came across these @ Multi-purpose wings where Anj made this adorable centerpiece out of sticks... and fabric. Sooo CuTe!! Wouldn't those be sweet in a little girls room?!?!

For more info on how she made these...go HERE!!

Anj...thanks so much for sharing this FuN idea!