Saturday, May 29, 2010

Watermelon Anyone??

Bring on the WaTerMelon season!!
My family LIVES on Watermelon during the summer...sooo... you would think I would have "picking the perfect one" down to a science. Nope...just when I think we've picked a good turns out to have NO flavor...or it is too old. Well...then I came across this post @ The How-To Gal...on "How To Pick The Perfect Watermelon". Check it out...she has some great info!! YAY!! No more yucky melons!! :) Thanks How-To Gal!!

Have a Great Weekend!!


  1. Oh, us, too! We just got our first the other day and we prayed before we cut into it...thankfully, it was a good one!! Love the baby pic!

  2. OMG - the pic is so dang cute!

  3. We live off watermelon, too and have since I was a little girl. It was my grandfather who taught me the tricks that I posted :) Thanks for linking!

  4. Love watermelon and that baby is adorable!

  5. a friend gave me awatermelon jelly recipe...I haven't tried it but would love to share if you are interested. I will look it up tomorrow. :)

  6. Amie Jo...YUM!! I would LOVE to try that watermelon jelly recipe!!! :) Thanks!!
