Monday, March 22, 2010

{Super CuTe} Wreath Idea!!

From this:

To this!!

How CrEaTiVe is that??!! I came across this FuN wreath idea @ TOTEally Posh... where she turned this old vegi steamer that she bought @ Goodwill ...into a SuPER CuTe wreath!! I'm lovin' the colors...and the Vintage Buttons!! So FuN!!

For more info on how she made this...go HERE!!


  1. Oh my goodness! Stacie, thank you so much for featuring me! I LOVE your blog!

  2. So cute! When did you get your hair cut? I just noticed it on your side bar. CUte!!

  3. OOOHHHHH, I love it!!! I'm totally going to do that. You're awesome! So is your site. I could spend all day here.

    Lots of crafty love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

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