Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spotlight: {LilyLane} Custom Pendants!

Anna and Sarah are stay-at-home moms who created LilyLane as a way of not only gaining extra financial support—their husbands are on a long road of graduate school—but also as an opportunity to use some bottled up creative juices and create a product line of jewelry that will be a classic keepsake for years to come.

Here is just a {small} sample of their FaBuLouS work!

For the pendants below...she took pictures of her kids to make these altered art images, and then added words or phrases that describes them the best!

So FuN!! I LoVe how you can completely customize your pendants...front & back!
They have tons of ideas for all occasions like: this Super CuTe teachers gift...and these Elegant pendants for a Wedding Bouquet!
Very CuTe...and Very Affordable!!! Did I mention *AffordaBLe*!!
Sooo...go check out their blog HERE...and their website HERE
...and...thanks to LilyLane...they are offering FREE SHIPPING to all of my awesome readers who order NOW... through Friday, March 5th(midnight)... when you mention {The CrEaTiVe CraTe} at checkout!!
***Anna and Sarah...thanks so much for sharing your BeAuTiFuL talent with us!!***


  1. Way cute pendants! I totally know how it is to support a hubby through Grad school...it is so worth it in the end!
    Have a fabulous day!

  2. Hi Stacie -
    Really cute pendants!
    Just wanted to let you know that I put a link to your blog today on my post. Thanks for listing me on your sidebar!!

  3. Hey Stacie,
    I am awarding you the "Beautiful Blogger" Award. Congrats! Check out my blog.

    Jennie @ Cinnaberry Suite
