Saturday, February 20, 2010

{Personalized} Initials Board!

Yesterday...I had so much fun bloggin' over @ brown paper packages. Kierste is such a sweet girl... and always has FaBuLouS ideas! I absolutely LoVed her burlap tic-tac-toe board she shared on here! What a great idea for a Christmas or Birthday gift!

Thanks again Kierste...i had a blast!!

Here is the project I shared on her blog:

Personalized Initials Board

First...I printed the letters on card stock {to the size that would fit on my scap 1x10}...and cut them out with a exact-o knife....

then painted the board...

then stenciled the letters on...
And...if you like the old "warn" could sand the edges...and the top.
Then...I wrapped it with a piece of tulle!

And...there ya have it!!

Sooo SiMpLe and CuTe!!

With the wedding season upon us...wouldn't these make a FuN {inexpensive} gift??!!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Really, really cute! Luke really likes this one, too!

  2. after viewing your blog and LOVING the boards, I made my own! Check them out and tell me what you think!

  3. if you get a circut and "sure cuts alot" program you don't have to cut letter out with an exact-o knife any more. I used to do that and it would take me hours! The circut does the work for you and "sure cuts a lot" is a program that you download onto your computer that works with the circut so you can cut any font on your computer and it is sooooooooooo much easier!!! Just a tip for you. Your crafts are super cute!
