Friday, February 5, 2010

DIY Wall Letters!!

I came across this FuN idea @ craft eNVy...where Nicholette and Vanessa made these SuPer CuTe wall letters out of cardboard! How CreaTiVe is that?!! Sooo...these cost them NOthinG to make...because they used things that they already had sitting around at home. {LoVe it!}
For a complete tutorial on how they made these...go HERE!
Nicholette & Vanessa...thanks so much for sharing this FuN idea!


  1. How excited to be featured in your amazing blog! Thank you! We love The Creative Crate!

  2. Cute! I just discovered your blog and I love it! Keep the good ideas coming!
    Keeping It Simple

  3. i love this.. and even better i can do it with what i already have.. thanks for sharing!!
