Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BeAuTiFuL Ornament Tree!

Here is a FabuLouS idea from Courtney @ RedHeads Craft More Fun! All she used was a Styrofoam cone, different sized ball ornaments, candle holder, and hot glue! How Elegant Looking...but so Easy!!
For more info on how Courtney made this click HERE!
Thank you Courtney for this FaBuLouS idea!!


  1. It's so pretty and I LOVE the name of her blog. Too cute.

    pk @ Room Remix

  2. Ooooh! How faaaabulous! I can just see a PINK tree!!! Goin' over now to vote for Y-O-U!

  3. Hi Stacie, I just voted for you over at Design Dazzle, I hope you win! Thanks for posting the ornament tree!

  4. Oh my gosh. I HAVE to make one of these ornament trees. I love it! Thanks for sharing!

  5. That is fabulous! I will making 2 or 3 for my fireplace! I already have ornaments onhand from the the dollar tree. I knew they would come in handy. Thanx for the great post :o)
