Monday, November 30, 2009

Old Window Gift Idea!

This is what I made for my niece this year! There was only glass in one side of the I put her name {in vinyl} on that...and stapled some cute fabric that I bought at JoAnns in the back. Then I stapled chicken wire to the bottom half ...and made up some CuTe scrapbook paper covered clothespins {that I bought @ the dollar store} so that she could hang her friends pics... or whatever she would want... with them. Then drilled 2 holes in the top...and hung with ribbon! Super FuN & Easy!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I just wanted to wish everyone a Very Very HaPPy... and {safe}... ThaNksGiviNg!!!!!

BTW check this out...i found this FuN Handprint Turkey Softie @ Bella Dia! How stinkin' CuTe is that! She also has an awesome tutorial to show you how she made it HERE!

Have a GreaT DaY!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We have a W*I*N*N*E*R!

Congratulations to #276 {using}
i'm a follower!
Congratulations Heidi!!! I will be contacting you shortly to find out your color choice & name choice! :)
Thanks so much for all of you that entered!!! This was a lot of FuN! I just might have to do it again sometime!

FuN children's tool belt!

This would be perfect for my son! Lisa @ One-Hip-Mom made this FuN tool belt {and} she posted a FaBuLouS tutorial to show us how she did it...HERE!
Along with his tools...I could see my son filling this with a TON of his little cars. :)
Wouldn't this make a GreAt Birthday/Christmas present...or stocking stuffer!!

Lisa...thanks so much for sharing this FuN idea!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Y*U*M*M*Y wreath idea!

Doesn't this look DeLiCiouS!! Cheryl @ A Pretty Cool Life made this YuMMy wreath by using a foam wreath form, hot glue, and a-Lotta GuMdRoPs! How stinkin' CuTe is that! Wouldn't this be a FuN project to make with your kiddos!
For a complete how-to on how Cheryl made this...go HERE!
Cheryl...thanks so much for sharing this Fabulous idea!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank you...GIVEAWAY!!

First of all.....I just wanted to ThAnK ALL OF YOU who took the time to vote for me at Design Dazzle this past week. I am soooooooooo thankful for all of you who left such kind words... and showed me some L*O*V*E! :) You guys are the best!!! :) show you my appreciation...I am hosting a GIVEAWAY...which I will be {giving away} one of these:

The winner will be able to pick the color of the blocks...and I will personalize them to the name of choice!! Hey...maybe this might make a great Christmas gift!!

Here's how to enter:

#1. Leave a comment...with your that I can contact you if you win!

#2. Become a follower of my blog (if you are already one...leave comment that says "Following"!)

#3. Blog about this GIVEAWAY with a link on your blog!

#4. Grab my button and put it on your blog!!

So... you can have a total of {4} entries !!!

{*Note: You must enter in a separate comment for each entry.}

I will end this giveaway at 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov 24th....where I will be using to choose a winner. (Sorry, but I cannot ship outside the U.S.!)

Good Luck Everyone!!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BeAuTiFuL Ornament Tree!

Here is a FabuLouS idea from Courtney @ RedHeads Craft More Fun! All she used was a Styrofoam cone, different sized ball ornaments, candle holder, and hot glue! How Elegant Looking...but so Easy!!
For more info on how Courtney made this click HERE!
Thank you Courtney for this FaBuLouS idea!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Thank you SOOOOOOOOOO much to all of you that already voted!!! You guys are AwEsOme!! The contest is still going on and will till Friday, the if you have a chance and wouldn't mind popping over to Design Dazzle and voting for me...I would be ever-so GraTeFuL!!! :)
Thanks a ton!!
Have a GrEaT DaY!!

Monday, November 16, 2009


ATTN: All of my AwEsOmE Crafting Friends...


I am completely in shock!!

When I opened my e-mail I had this:


Congratulations! Your cupboard door idea that was featured on Design Dazzle has been chosen as a Design Dazzler and one of the top ten posts from my blog. You have possibility of being chosen as the top Design Dazzler..and... you could win $500 worth in gift certificates!!

*******Still in Shock!!********


The winner will be determined by the most comments made on my cupboard door picture board/chalkboard post... on the Design Dazzle blog.


I beg you :) go and leave a comment on my cupboard door post...on Design Dazzle!! :)

If you haven't been on Design Dazzle's blog before...oh are going to LoVe it! They have some of the COOLEST and CREATIVE kids room decor ideas you will ever see!!

There is only one vote... per person...per day... starting Monday, Nov. 16 -thru- Friday, Nov. 20 that will be counted!

Also...there is a total of $500 in prizes and gift certificates to be won by those leaving comments on all the 10 designer dazzler nominees posts (3 winners will share the prize!) have a chance to win too!!!

Anyways...Thanks so much for taking the time to read this...and...don't forget to tell everyone you go and leave a comment also!! :)

OK...I'll stop begging :)


Have a GREAT Day Everyone!!

HUGE Giveaway @ Design Dazzle!!

Hi All!!!

This week...Design Dazzle is kicking off their "celebration week" with a HUGE giveaway from Bei Bambini... who is offering {2} $500 prize packs of boy and girl clothes!!! Their clothing line is AdoRaBle!!! So go check it out!! To view details click HERE!!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Super CuTe Scripture/Book Covers!

Aren't these FuN! I found these at Craftaholics Anonymous where Linda made these fun scripture covers with the young girls from her church ...for an activity! How CreAtiVe and CuTe...and what a beautiful way to protect your favorite books! These are easy to remove and won't damage the book.

These covers... and a new book... might make a great gift idea for someone who LoVes to read!!

For more info on these FuN covers and many other FuN ideas...go HERE!

Her tutorial to make this is on Ucreate!!!
Check it out!!

Linda...thanks for this FuN idea!!

Happy Crafting!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

ThAnKfuL Blocks!

Here are some FuN blocks I made the other day. I used scrap 2x4's and 2x6's that I had laying around. I made my own stencil by printing the letters on card stock...then using an exact-o knife.. to cut them out. Then I stenciled the letters on the painted blocks...then sanded and stained the edges. SuPeR EaSy...and SuPer CuTe!!
HaVe FuN!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Clipboard Chore Charts!

Aren't these FuN!!! I came across these HERE ...and I absolutely LoVe how CuTe they are. I also LoVe how each child has their own individual chart... that you can personalize to their own needs. Not to mention how CuTe these would look hanging up! This is definitely on my TO DO list!! For more info on how Rachel made HERE!

Rachel...thanks so much for this FUN idea!!

HaVe FuN!!