Thursday, May 21, 2009



My blog was visited by whoopsiedaisiesgal of Whoopsie Daisies, and she gave me this award!! Thanks whoopsiedaisiesgal!!!! I'm so excited!!!

The rules for accepting this award are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I am fairly new to the blogging world...and so far I LoVe It! I am amazed at how may CuTe blogs there are out there...with so many fun and inspiring ideas!! And...not to mention all the kind people I've met, or have left comments!! ThAnK YoU! You guys are awesome!! It is soo fun to hear from you!!
Any~who... here are my blog picks for this award. I really enjoy visiting them, and I think you will too!! HaVe FuN!

Erika @ Little Miss Crafty Pants

Mitzy @ One Day When I Have Time

Dotty @ Totally Tutorials

Amy @ The Idea Room

Jill @ Controlling My Chaos

Kari @ Ucreate

Ashley @ Make it & Love it

Andy @ Poppies at Play

Misty @ Creative Itch

Char @ Crap I've Made

Naptime Journal @ Naptime Journal

Cathy & Monica @ FabuLESSly Frugal

Meredith & Molly @ Tuesdays with Molly

Mique @ 30days

Mrs D. Lightful @ Mrs. D. Lightful


  1. Thank you Stacie! That is so sweet of you. I have just seen some of your great ideas. I am going to have to spend some time over here. Thanks again for the award!

  2. Wowie!! Thanks Stacie!! Super fun site you have here. I guess it's probably not kosher to give the award right back to you..ha ha ha. I Love the washer necklaces! That is a great idea and I'm going to have to give it a try! Thanks and happy crafting!

  3. Thanks so much! You have a very delightful and creative blog and I love it! Thanks!!

  4. Stacie, You are very sweet. Thank you. I stink at these things though, so I apologize in advance if I tank on it. :)

    I think I'll poke around here a little while. Thanks again.

  5. Stacie,
    Thank you so much...that is so sweet! I absolutely love your blog! You always have the greatest ideas! The washer necklaces have been a huge hit at my house!

  6. Thanks from me too! I'm so happy to have found your blog. What amazing projects!
