Thursday, May 28, 2009

More Washer Necklace Pics!!

Here are a few other pics of some necklaces that I've made. Yes...these are definitely addicting!
Click HERE for instructions!

These are the backs of the ones above... that my kids gave to their teachers this year. I bought the metal stamp set at Harbor Freight (for very cheap)...then once I stamped what I wanted into the washer...I colored the letters in with a black permanent marker...then wiped off the excess by spraying some hairspray on a paper towel and wiping over entire washer till it comes off. Very fun!!.
Instead of using the close clasp ends...I just tied a bead at one end, and made a loop at the other. Super Easy!! HaVe FuN!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009



My blog was visited by whoopsiedaisiesgal of Whoopsie Daisies, and she gave me this award!! Thanks whoopsiedaisiesgal!!!! I'm so excited!!!

The rules for accepting this award are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I am fairly new to the blogging world...and so far I LoVe It! I am amazed at how may CuTe blogs there are out there...with so many fun and inspiring ideas!! And...not to mention all the kind people I've met, or have left comments!! ThAnK YoU! You guys are awesome!! It is soo fun to hear from you!!
Any~who... here are my blog picks for this award. I really enjoy visiting them, and I think you will too!! HaVe FuN!

Erika @ Little Miss Crafty Pants

Mitzy @ One Day When I Have Time

Dotty @ Totally Tutorials

Amy @ The Idea Room

Jill @ Controlling My Chaos

Kari @ Ucreate

Ashley @ Make it & Love it

Andy @ Poppies at Play

Misty @ Creative Itch

Char @ Crap I've Made

Naptime Journal @ Naptime Journal

Cathy & Monica @ FabuLESSly Frugal

Meredith & Molly @ Tuesdays with Molly

Mique @ 30days

Mrs D. Lightful @ Mrs. D. Lightful

Monday, May 18, 2009

FuN Washer Necklaces!

Sorry for the not so quality pics...but I just had to share... These are so fun to make!

I found this idea on YouTube and it is from the DIY Network show called: "Creative Juice"!

Scroll down and hit pause on the music before you play video.

These were sooo easy and the turned out so cute!!! On some of the ones I made...distressed the edges with ink.

Another option you could do instead of using Diamond that you could pour resin over the top. If you decided to do that... you could prop the washers up on toothpicks so that the resin can drip off. When they were completely dry... I pried the stuck toothpicks off... and sanded the leftover resin on the back... OFF... till it was smooth. Resin gave them a very smooth, raised glassy look.

Also another option... that my daughter really liked... is using a glitter glaze. I found some of this over by where they keep the glue and resin at Michaels . This really gave it a "Bling" look to the washer. You could do so many different things with these... so just experiment... and have fun with it! These might be fun to make at either a Mother/Daughter activity...or Girls Camp!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

FuN Outdoor Chalkboard

My daughter absolutely LoVeS this. I just used a pre-cut 2'x4' piece of plywood, sanded it down, and covered it with chalkboard paint. I like the brush-on kind instead of the spray better. It seems to give it a smoother, softer surface to write on. The frame is made out of our left-over 1x6 cedar fence slats, which you can purchase very inexpensively at the lumber store. The frame, however, is anything but professional...but it worked! I used wood glue and a staple gun. I cut to size, then stapled both front and back of the wood to hold together! Then painted, and used wood fence screws to hold it securely on the fence. And that's it! A fun and inexpensive way to let your children show-off their CuTe artistic abilities!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Mothers Day Project--Mom no peeking :)

So here is what I have been recently working on & what I am going to give my mom and mother-in-law for Mothers Day! This was one of my first sewing projects, so I was pretty happy it even turned out. I really can't believe how fun they were to make, and how cute they turned out! I used a Simplicity pattern #2824, and added a few little fun things to it. I bought the fabric @ Jo-Ann' their 40% off coupon! I can't wait to give these to them!